“Coaches Corner” Comes to Baltimore
A live job search conference and networking event for professionals, age 45+ with improving their ability to navigate a successful job search campaign.
Workshops, Coaching, Panel Discussion and Networking including connecting conversations with recruiters, staffing firms, and hiring managers.
Business Casual attire. Bring your resumés and business cards.
Confirmed Speakers and Panelists
Daneviere Battle, MA-HRD, Business Partnership Coordinator, UDC Community College
Robert Castle, LCPC, ACS, Licensed therapist, career coach, and former HR professional
Karen Drake, MS, SPHR-SCP, CPC, Human Resources Executive
Susan Hindle, MS, Coach and Assistant Director, Internships and Employment, UMBC
Shirley Stitt, LCPC, Clinical Case Manager, Helping Up Mission
Invited Speakers and Guests
Mayor Catherine Pugh * Congressman Elijah Cummings
Members of the Congressional Caucus on Full Employment
Event is FREE! RSVP at:
https://tinyurl.com/yblr4ggg or https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coaches-corner-corner-community-center-baltimore-md-tickets-38850243123?aff=es2
Questions? Janet Glover-Kerkvliet, 410-627-2372 janglovkerk@bjhsg.org